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Mike Monahan Memorial Grant Opportunity Empowering Small Pregnancy Centers to Reach Her First®


Infinite Worth is excited to introduce the Mike Monahan Memorial Grant!

Mike Monahan was a quiet, reserved man who was the perfect anchor for his wife Dinah. Though very private, he wholeheartedly supported Dinah in taking pregnant girls into their home for six years. He was the steady, kind father figure all of them lacked. When Dinah would be in the forefront of a Pro-Life project or event, he would be quietly supporting and helping her. In 1991 he took the reins of Heritage House ’76 and brought it into the computer age. Mike’s delight was his wife, children and his 26 grandchildren. His commitment to Jesus was lived out in honesty and faithfulness. Mike died in 2016. His legacy lives on in his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.


The Mike Monahan Memorial Grant is a funding opportunity to support small, rural pregnancy centers in their mission to save lives and reach women in crisis. This grant provides the funding to 100 small centers, enabling them to implement critical tools and strategies that transform how they Reach Her First® and engage with women in their communities.



What is Included in the Grant:


24/7 Nurse Chat for your clients (Value $8400): Nurses will be available to chat and schedule clients for your center via your website and via phone-to-text.



50% off Subscription (Value $500): HopeSync™ allows you to communicate with your clients, donors, and supporters via text and a large discount is included in the grant.


Staff Training (Value $500): Training on how to use HopeSync™ and how to work with the nurses inside the HopeSync™ system.


Area Abortion Report and Marketing Consultation (Value $300): Free consultation and area abortion report to help you reach your clients and save and change lives!


SemRush Report (value $300): Understand the traffic of your site and see any “harmful” backlinks and information.


SEO Reports (value $300): Detailed insights focused on the impact of your Infinite Worth Nurse Chat System, including appointments made and lives saved compared to the same month last year before implementation.


Coaching Strategies (value $300) tailored to enhance your center’s ability to reach women searching for help online.


Increased AM/AD Clients, Increased Lives Saved: Live nurse chat, combined with a strong marketing strategy will bring more clients into your doors – and with your expertise – more lives will be saved!


What the Center Agrees to Provide:


Set-Up and Onboarding Fee: Centers will need to pay a $400 set-up for Infinite Worth and a $100 set-up fee for HopeSync™ processing.


Reporting: Centers must agree to tag any clients coming through Infinite Worth their outcomes and provide an in-center (all client summary) report of appointments and lives saved each month. Infinite Worth will also require last year’s stats on appointments and lives saved by the month for the purpose of comparison and quality improvement.


Video Testimony: Each center will provide a short video testimony within 12 months to share their experience and the impact of the grant.


Collaborative Outreach: Centers will participate in outreach efforts to connect with three additional small centers, such as hosting or joining a virtual meeting with nearby centers or friends. With the heart to bring benefit to other small centers through Infinite Worth. 


Grant Details:


Eligibility: Centers serving rural communities with populations of 30,000 or fewer within a 10-mile radius of the center.


Renewal:  Your center will become eligible to renew your Infinite Worth Nurse Chat after the grant year discount cost of $2,000.


Our goal is to bring this life-saving service to underserved areas where every second counts, empowering small centers to meet women before the abortion pill does, with love and life-affirming care.


If you’re interested in this opportunity or know other centers that could benefit, we’d love to hear from you! Together, we can honor Mike Monahan’s legacy by reaching women in even the smallest communities and reminding them of their infinite worth in Christ.


Please fill this out if you would more details or are ready to get started. 




Rachel Owen CEO

Infinite Worth

Reach Her First®



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