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We Need Prayer...

Today, we reach out to our community with a special request...

We started Infinite Worth to help centers meet clients on their phones at all times. Our dedicated nurses help women navigating challenging decisions around the clock. Their work is both incredibly rewarding and emotionally taxing. They have helped over 22,000 clients and can have anywhere from two to five abortion-determined clients chatting with her at the same time. These nurses need your help.

Today, we reaching out to our community with a special request: to stand in prayer with our nurses, by name, as they continue to extend love, support, and guidance to those they serve. If you are able to be a part of this ministry of prayer and wish to support our nurses in this personal and powerful way, please reach out to Maria, the Infinite Worth Relationship Coordinator. You can contact her via phone (928-476-0353) or email to express your willingness to pray for one of our nurses. Maria will assign you to a specific nurse and provide the name of a nurse who would be blessed by your prayers. The nurses will be given updates on those who are praying for them and we will let you know how they are doing with their clients.

This is a beautiful opportunity to uplift and support those who give so much of themselves in service to others. Let us join together in prayer, strengthening Infinite Worth nurses as they carry out their vital work.

To participate, please contact Maria at:

Phone: 928-478-0353

Thank you for considering this heartfelt request. Your prayers will make a difference in the lives of our nurses and those they help.

With Appreciation and Admiration,

Rachel Owen

Infinite Worth CEO



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